"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail."

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, December 5, 2009

It's 10:00 pm .... 10:06 pm to be exact ... and I've finally sat down to reflect on my day.  As I sit, I realize that I haven't had such a productive day in weeks (maybe months, actually).  Let me give you a run down ....

It's Saturday so the natural thing to do is to sleep in.  I began my day at 10:30 am.  I rolled out of bed, tripped over Chloe, and began my morning routine.  After cleaning and beautifying myself I then took care of the kitty, making sure she had plenty of food and water.  By 11:30 am I was ready to head to the school.

It's amazing how time flies when you are having fun or, in my case, working hard.  I spent 6 1/2 hours at the school working on a module unit for my grade 12 students.  I thought that completing a module unit on Shakespeare's Othello would be easy .... I was completely wrong.  Unfortunately, there is not much (useful) information out there in cyberspace so much of the module information came from my own brain.  I was frustrated most of the day while I was working on it but by the time I finished it and re-read it ... I was very proud of the module package.  I hope my students will love the play as much as I do and enjoy working through the unit. 

So, now it's 6:00 pm and I'm finally leaving the school.  I stopped at Reg's (a convenience/grocery store) for some much needed supplies and then headed for home.  One might think that once I walked through the doors of my house I would sit down and enjoy some relaxation time but no, not me.  I immediately began working in the kitchen.  From 7:00 pm until 10:00 pm I cooked and baked. What, you might ask, was I making that would take 3 hours?  Let me tell you.  :)  Lasagna, Caesar salad dressing, and bacon for tomorrow's dinner with the neighbours (I also washed the lettuce).  I also decided to make some home baked treats ... rice krispie squares and peanut butter cups.  And of course the clean-up takes some time. A productive evening was had, to say the least.

As I sit and reflect on my day I am impressed with all that I accomplished.  Despite all that I completed today, I still have a super long "To Do List"  for tomorrow.  At least when I lay my head down to sleep tonight I'll know that my exhaustion was well earned today. 

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