"Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail."

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Wonders of a Power Outage

Today the power went out. In fact, it was already out when I finally dragged myself out of bed this morning. I opened my eyes and turned over towards the alarm clock, which happens to be a daily ritual, only to realize that there were no burning red numbers telling me what time of day it was. On any other day this might put me in a state of alarm ... but not today. I felt a sense of relief ... perhaps not being dictated by time relieved a sense of pressure that has lately taken over my life. I leisurely made my way out of the bedroom, texted some friends to ensure that I was not the only one "suffering" from the loss of power, found my flashlight and had a refreshing shower. After finishing the daily routine of making myself somewhat presentable, a wave of panic momentarily flashed through me. What would I do without power? I cannot cook or bake. I cannot watch T.V. I cannot use the Internet. What on earth will I do with myself. With only a moment's hesitation, I quickly found my way to my bedroom. No, I did not hide back under the covers. I picked up a book that had been calling my name. Yes, I read a book. It's now early afternoon and the power is back on. I have set the book down long enough to re-set the clocks, begin a load of laundry, check my email, and write this blog. I fight the temptation to turn the television on or to play a computer game but the power of the book and it's dynamic characters and plot twists and turns win me over. Although the power outage has undoubtedly inconvenienced many, it was for me a saving grace. It made me take a step back, away from all the "conveniences" technology has to offer, and indulge in a good book .... words on a page and my own imagination has been my sole entertainment ... what a concept!

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